1 kg, 2 piece, young beef ribs
1 tbsp lime juice, 1 sdm air jeruk limau
4 garlic/bw putih, haluskan/mashed
5 cm ginger/jahe,haluskan/mashed
1 Lemongrass/Sereh, geprak/smashed
2 Kaffir lime leaves/Daun jeruk purut
2 cups Water/Air, for boiling
Resep Saus Cabe Hijau :
7 Shallot/ Bawang merah
7 Garlic/ Bawang putih
50 gr green chillies/cabe hijau
7 green bird eye chillies,
3 cm ginger/ jahe,
1/2 tsp Pepper/Merica bubuk
Salt/ Garam, secukupnya
Sugar/ Gula pasir, secukupny
Instruction :
How to make Saus cabe Ijo :
- Grind all ingredient into a rought paste
- Heat 3 tbsp oil, saute 2-3 minutes until fragrance
- Add 1/2 cup water, let it boil
- Simmer about 10 minutes until the rica sauce is thick
- Drizzle the ribs with lime juice, garlic and ginger. Marinade adout 30 minutes,
- Boil 2 cups water, put the ribs, lemongrass, kaffir lime leaves, sa;t n pepper and let it boil in lowest flame about 1-1.5 hours
- Drain the ribs well
- Grill the ribs above charcoal until the surface form a little crisp layer, smear the green chilli sauce evenly, continue grilling until the sauce is dried
- Serve with warm rice and the rest of green chilli sauce and Acar/ Indonesian pickle salad
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