Selasa, 27 Agustus 2013

iga bakar sauce ijo

grilled roasted beef ribs green chilli spicy sauceIngredient /Bahan Iga Bakar Cabe Ijo:
1 kg, 2 piece, young beef ribs
1 tbsp lime juice, 1 sdm air jeruk limau
4 garlic/bw putih, haluskan/mashed
5 cm ginger/jahe,haluskan/mashed
1 Lemongrass/Sereh, geprak/smashed
2 Kaffir lime leaves/Daun jeruk purut
2 cups Water/Air, for boiling
Resep Saus  Cabe Hijau  :
7 Shallot/ Bawang merah
7 Garlic/ Bawang putih
50 gr green chillies/cabe hijau
7 green bird eye chillies,
3 cm ginger/ jahe,
1/2 tsp Pepper/Merica bubuk
Salt/ Garam, secukupnya
Sugar/ Gula pasir, secukupny
Instruction :
How to make Saus cabe Ijo :
  • Grind all ingredient into a rought paste
  • Heat 3 tbsp oil, saute 2-3 minutes until fragrance
  • Add 1/2 cup water, let it boil
  • Simmer about 10 minutes until the rica sauce is thick
How to make Grilled  Ribs :
  • Drizzle the ribs with lime juice, garlic and ginger. Marinade adout 30 minutes,
Lumuri daging kambing dengan air jeruk, diamkan minimal 30 menit.
  • Boil 2 cups water, put the ribs, lemongrass, kaffir lime leaves, sa;t n pepper and  let it boil in lowest flame about 1-1.5 hours
Didihkan air, masukkan iga, sereh, daun jeruk purut, garan dan lada, didihkan dengan api kecil selama 1-1,5 jam
  • Drain the ribs well
Tiriskan iga sapi
  • Grill the ribs above charcoal until the surface form a little crisp layer, smear the green chilli sauce evenly, continue grilling until the sauce is dried
Bakar sampai setengah kering, olesi dengan saus cabe hijau dan bakar kembali diatas bara api sampai sedikit mengering
  • Serve with warm rice and the rest of green chilli sauce and Acar/ Indonesian pickle salad
Sajikan dengan nasi hangat dan sisa bumbu cabe hijau dan acar

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